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So this was a question offered to me in sincerity by a grown man whom I met through a networking event. He was looking for businesses to take part in his 30 day marketing challenge. I volunteered but he turned me down when he learned I was selling hair products. He believed that I could not sell hair products and cover my hair simultaneously. He didn't care that I had plenty of happy customers and good reviews. Surely it's the customer's opinion that matters most when it comes to my brand and not what I look like...right? My first thought was wow, some people really don't mince their words. I never thought covering my hair would be such a drama. When I went natural it was because my hair had had enough of braids relaxers and weaves. By 'enough' I mean it was thin and falling out at the edges. I still had the intention to go back to the 'creamy crack'...somewhere inside me I knew I did. But at some point between age 18 and 28 - I changed. I grew emotionally and spiritually and have in the last year decided to turn my 'most of the time headwrap' into a daily Hijab. I was never forced, it's just who I am... who I became. I suppose the way I wrapped my hair was my own personal way of transitioning into more modest style of dressing.
"Why did you choose to sell this kind of product?" he proceeded, when I told him revealing my hair wasn't an option. "You can't demonstrate it.." he continued. Yes that's true I can't. And I don't blame him for having reservations, I wouldn't think to buy facecream from someone in a burka... but if i'd heard good things and seen the results on others, I would love to try it. I started covering after I started my business and I started my business out of a passion for caring for my hair. Out of a passion for loving myself in my natural state, no longer wanting to depend on extentions to feel beautiful or acceptable to look at. I wasn't going to stop caring about helping others just becuause it would be harder now. I still have hair under this scarf, a lot of it, and it needs looking after too, just like anyone else's. And it's not the end of the world that he doesn't want to help me I'm still happy to shamelessly promote myself. I know I'm not the only one who has felt that way. Am I? I'm sure that there are women out there like me who actually just want a product that works and don't care whose face is on the advert. Through my Hijab i took a stand against my ego and said "you know what world? I actually don't need your opinion in order to feel good about myself." I love my hair, and I hug my hair daily with my products and my Hijab.
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