How To use Hair Oil this Autumn
Photo credit: CurlyB Blog Hug My Hair Multi-seed Hair Oil Review
Our hair starts to lose its mojo when winter hits and the air becomes colder. Reason being that there is less moisture in the cold air, meaning we have to moisturise & protect our hair more than usual.
Applying an oil treatment effectively at this time is just what the shocked hair requires.
This is what you’ll need:
- Luke warm water in a large bowl
- Two table spoons of your favourite hair oil
- Plain plastic baggy
- T-shirt/ towel
- Positive attitude
TIP: If you’ve not done an oil treatment before it’s best to start with an oil that is close to the structure of your scalp’s natural oils. Jojoba oil is great for this and will absorb almost immediately. Broccoli seed oil has very similar properties meaning it won’t weigh fine hair down, making it the lightest and and non-sticky of all hair oils. Both of these ingredients can be found in our Multi-Seed Hair Oil.
You don’t need squeaky clean hair to benefit from an oil treatment so this method doesn’t include shampoo. However, if your hair is very dirty and/or has product build-up then start with your regular cleansing routine.
- Soak your hair in warm water, lean forwards or backwards into the bowl and relax there for a few minutes.
- Remove your hair from the water and wrap lightly with t-shirt/towel then remove so hair is still wet but not dripping
- Work oil through your hair, especially the ends
- Apply plastic baggy and secure with a knot
- Wrap towel or t-shirt around your head
- Leave in for 30mins while you enjoy your favourite Netflix show/make dinner/breakfast/feed the kids/do your nails
When it’s time to remove the bag, detangle hair gently and twist or braid into a protective style so your hair dries stretched. If need be you can use your blow dryer but you may need to re-apply oil to your scalp & ends afterwards.
Try this out and let us know how it goes for you below.
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